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Next steps

As a next step why don't you:

  • Reflect back on a recent decision you made - did you make the judgement and decision objectively, did you use all the data and evidence to hand? Did your personal attitudes or biases have a part to play in the decision? Did you involve the patient in the decision making process - from the initial information gathering to agreeing a course of action? Examine your own decision making patterns.
  • Visit the Evidence, Research and Development and undertake the learning activities on the site as they have been designed to help you review your practice to ensure it is always up to date and based on best available evidence or explore the useful websites and toolkits to support evidence-based practice.
  • Identify a role model who you believe is a competent decision maker - watch and question how your role model makes decisions: how do they go about finding out the information they need, how do they make judgements, decide on a course of action and analyse the outcomes? What experienced-based rules of thumb or heuristics do they employ during decision making?
Access the following websites to find out more about clinical decision making and connect with colleagues