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Recording Your Learning

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To help meet the required evidence for appraisal, PDP and professional registration you should consider how you record your learning. Reflections and actions from learning experience should act as the core to your portfolio.

You may consider using the some of the numerous templates in the TURAS professional portfolio in order to do this. You may prefer to use the Relfective templates that hosted on within the 'Reflective Practice' section of Effective Practitioner.

Alternatively you can access a generic template to record your learning activities

Record of learning activities (pdf)

What does this mean for the Effective Practitioner?

Making sense of how learning drives development and improvement is vital for the effective practitioner. Recording acticities not only allows for explriation of key points, impact and actions, it also act as evidence for professional registration and is a key part of their professional portfolio.

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Remember, recording your reflections is an important part of the learning process. Take time to structure your thoughts, feelings and any future actions on one the forms available in the Reflective Practice section. Click here to visit the page.

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